Awareness is the foundation for all that we do at ALCHEMĒ. Are you encompassed by vitality? Where in your life—emotionally, physically, spiritually—do you need to bring healing? Is there something lacking in your health you’ve been ignoring or putting on the back burner? Awareness is the first and most important step on your journey to rebellious health and vibrant living. During the Awareness phase, you work hand-in-hand with our highly trained staff to unearth the root of your concerns. Our practitioners listen intently and will dive deeply into your health history to understand the underlying cause of your concerns and to connect the dots between aspects of your health that may not even appear connected. We use state-of-the-art laboratory testing to give us concrete data we can use to accurately assess your current health and to make an individualized and effective plan for moving forward.
SERVICES: Integrative Medicine Consultation and Advanced Laboratory Testing
The first step after awareness, in any lasting change, is acceptance. Many of our habits and thoughts are deeply ingrained. At ALCHEMĒ, our patients work with practitioners to examine patterns and determine where change can be made. After identifying places where our patients are “stuck,” we come up with a highly individualized plan to help get you on the path to rebellious health.
SERVICES: Integrative Medicine Consultation
The first step in moving towards health is letting go of anything that does not serve us, whether it be destructive habits, stored toxins, or negative emotions. Unfortunately, we live in a time with more environmental toxins in our food, water, air, and products we use on a daily basis than ever before. These toxins need to be removed from the body before any lasting repair can take place. Furthermore, our emunctories are our natural routes of elimination and include our skin, intestines, kidneys and lungs. We optimize the function of these organ systems so we can release toxins easily and freely.
SERVICES: IV Therapy, Nutrient Injections, Nutraceuticals, Herbal Medicine, German Biological Medicine, Lymphatic Flow, hCG Weight Loss, Hydrotherapy and Hyperthermia, Customized Nutrition, Chelation Therapy
ALCHEMĒ’s Restore phase is where patients make significant strides to return to their most vital selves. We replenish what the body is lacking including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, hormones, emotions and life experiences. Nutrients are the building blocks of our cells and are involved with all of the biochemical processes that are occurring in our body each and every second of every day. Without the complete spectrum of nutrients in sufficient amounts, our vitality is diminished on a cellular level. Therefore, we rely on customized nutrition, bioidentical hormone therapy, and pharmaceutical-grade supplements (nutraceuticals) to supply our body with what it’s lacking, helping us to return to our most vital and rebellious selves.
SERVICES: IV Therapy, Nutrient Injections, Nutraceuticals, Herbal Medicine, Customized Nutrition, Prolotherapy and Regenerative Joint Injections, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Once the body is replenished, we focus on harmonizing all aspects of our being—physiological, emotional, psychological, spiritual and energetic. We turn to advanced laboratory testing to help balance neurotransmitters and to look for genetic variations that may predispose patients to disease. Where pharmaceutical medications are required, we work to increase the efficacy of these medications while decreasing their harm. In this phase, our physicians use a wide variety of therapeutic modalities including neurotransmitter balancing, homeopathy, flower essences, allergy elimination techniques, craniosacral therapy, biofeedback, acupuncture and more.
SERVICES: Neurotransmitter Testing, Genetic Testing, Homeopathy, Flower Essences, Essential Oils, Allergy Elimination, Biofeedback, Craniosacral Therapy, Acupuncture
You are shining from the inside, now radiate from the outside. During our Radiate phase, we offer patients cutting-edge aesthetic services to improve skin quality, color and tone; increase elasticity and collagen production; and decrease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. We offer a wide array of skin care services including IPL, laser skin resurfacing, acne and cellulite elimination, skin tightening, platelet rich plasma therapy, neurotoxins, fillers and more. When combined with the other phases of ALCHEMĒ's comprehensive wellness methodology, our Radiate phase allows you to be your most rebellious you.
SERVICES: IPL and Photofacials, Skin Resurfacing, Skin Tightening, Neurotoxins and Fillers, and Acne and Cellulite Elimination, Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy, Collagen Induction Therapy, and More